Friday, April 18, 2014

chasing the sun

Tonight we chased the sun as it set.  It was absolutely breathtaking; a dreamboat.  The sky was so clear and the sun was so big.  Have you ever stared into the sun before? Like, really stared at it? It's more than just yellow; it has red and pink and purple in it, too.  This beauty we are surround by every day is such a gift from God--one I often take for granted. And it isn't until I stop, and sit there and watch the sun set that I realize just how artistic and big and beautiful God is.  

Speaking of God...(:
Easter weekend.  I think it may be my favorite holiday.  And not because of the candy (eck, peeps. tell me no one actually eats those) or the Easter Bunny or the delicious feast my mom and brother prepare for us, but because I think it's so humbling to be reminded of why I was given this chance of life. I grew up in a God-loving home, so for as long as I can remember I've known about Easter and that it was when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  But now that I'm older I have to stop myself and really read those verses:
"But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." 
(Isaiah 53:5) 
Jesus was whipped and beaten and tortured and forced to carry the cross he was then crucified on in order to pay the debts of our humanness, of our sins.  God sacrificed his son for us.  What? Who am I to deserve that gift? What have I done that is worthy of that kind of love? I can't even wrap my head around it.  And I never want to forget the gravity of Jesus' sacrifice for us.  I never want to forget that God loves us so much that he would send his son to accept the punishment for our sins.  It's crazy.  It's so absolutely nuts.  But that's God, and that's his love for us.  I never want to forget this love and sacrifice or ever take it for granted.  I never want to forget it. 

 My confession:  I love that we can worship Jesus in everything we do and see (like in tonight's sunset).  I love that our God is so powerful and so loving, that he demonstrates his love for us every single day.  I love that no matter how imperfect I am, God will always be perfect. Happy Easter weekend, friends.  

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